Kamis, 08 April 2010

Aku Istimewa

Aku selalu membandingkan diriku dengan orang lain, dalam berbagai hal
Hampir tidak pernah memuji diri sendiri
Sering menyalahkan diri sendiri dan berandai-andai...andai saja aku dia..andai saja aku lebih....
Belum bersyukur dengan apa yang sudah dicapai dan selalu menuntut lebih
Dan kembali lagi membandingkan hidupku..selalu.....

Hmmmmm....sampai kapan aku akan seperti ini?
Hidup itu singkat ( yes, i know) dan hanya akan membuang sisa waktu saja bila digunakan untuk menyimpan rasa iri, dengki, dan kegiatan membanding-bandingkan diriku dengan orang lain (busted! i really know)

Ini hasil browsing di pagi hari yang sangat menginspirasi bahwa "PERBEDAAN ITU MEMANG INDAH"
dan aku bisa berkata : "AKU ISTIMEWA" (great! hoaaa..i can say it bravely..)

Apakah kamu pernah merasa tidak puas akan dirimu?
Berpikir seandainya aku secantik dia,
andai saja aku sepintar orang itu,
Seandainya, seandainya dan seandainya…

Aku pernah..
Aku bahkan berpikir alangkah baiknya,
jika semua manusia itu sama
Sama, tidak ada perbedaan
Jika tidak ada yang cantik,
maka tidak akan ada pula yang jelek
Tidak akan ada yang kaya atau miskin,
pintar atau bodoh
Semuanya sama…

Cukup lama aku meyakini hal itu hingga
suatu sore bersama Oma
yang mengubah segalanya..

Sore itu aku berbincang dengan Oma tersayang
Aku mengutarakan pemikiran itu pada beliau
Oma hanya tersenyum, kemudian bertanya padaku
Pertanyaan yang tampak tidak ada hubungannya
dengan masalah yang dibicarakan

Apakah menurutmu tidak akan membosankan?

Aku bingung
Tidak mengerti
Apa yang membosankan?
Tapi Oma malah bertanya lagi..

Apakah kau tahu mengapa manusia itu istimewa?

Karena memiliki akal budi kan..
Begitulah yang kutahu selama ini
Oma berkata bahwa hal itu benar,
tapi ada hal lain yang juga membuat manusia istimewa
Manusia menjadi istimewa karena..


Aku makin tidak mengerti
Menurutku perbedaan itu
hanya membawa derita dan sengsara
Karena perbedaan orang berselisih
Karena perbedaan maka ada perang
Sekali lagi Oma hanya tersenyum
dan berkata..

Pernahkah kamu berpikir..
bagaimana bila semuanya sama?
Tidak ada yang unik,
semuanya sama
Bukankah akan sangat membosankan
hidup di dunia yang penuh dengan kesamaan
Tidak akan ada hal baru yang berbeda
tidak ada kejutan

Dan sekali lagi,
pernahkah kamu berpikir..
Bahwa di dunia ini hanya ada satu “kamu”
hanya ada satu “dia”
Tak ada seorang pun yang sama,
semua berbeda..

Dan karena “berbeda” maka manusia itu
menjadi istimewa
Karena tidak sama maka dia istimewa
Perbedaan membuat kita istimewa
Dan itu berarti kamu juga istimewa,
hanya ada satu “kamu”
Tidak ada yang lainnya

Kamu istimewa
Setiap manusia istimewa

Tidak perlu menjadi seperti orang lain
Tidak perlu bertanya mengapa aku begini,
mengapa aku begitu
Tidak perlu berpikir seandainya saja
aku bisa begini atau bisa begitu
Lakukan saja apa yang bisa kita lakukan
dengan apa yang ada pada diri kita

Mataku pun terbuka..

Ya.., aku istimewa
Karena berbeda maka aku istimewa
Hanya ada satu “aku” di dunia ini

Aku mulai belajar untuk menerima
dan mencintai diriku sendiri
Apa adanya
Tidak lagi berandai-andai

Ketika aku kembali merasa tidak puas
akan diriku,
aku akan mengingatnya lagi..
Mengingat kembali perkataan Oma
Kalimat demi kalimat,
kata demi kata..
Bahwa “aku” istimewa.

-Maya Irena-

Senin, 03 Agustus 2009

Making Up Ma Mind

Dear ladies,.........

*never allow someone to be ur priority while allowing ur self to be their option*

Find a guy who calls u beautiful instead of hot, who calls u back when u hang up on him, who will lie under the stars en listen 2 ur heartbeat or will stay awake just to watch u sleep...

Wait for a man who kisses ur forehead, who wants 2 show u off to the world when u are in sweats, who holds ur hand in front of his friends, who thinks u are just as pretty without makeup on...

One who is constantly reminding u of how much he cares and how lucky he is to have u.......
The one who turns to his friends and says..."that's her"

Rabu, 29 Juli 2009

Fast Food and Obesity (from Supersize Me The Movie)

Today, the Kentucky Fried Chickens, Pizza Hut, and Mc Donalds are available in every big cities of Indonesia. The speed at which Western culture , including film, music, fast food and night life, swept through Indonesia during the 1990’s . From the information that has written in The Jakarta Post, we know that the number of Mc Donalds outlet now totals 70 across the archipelago, since the first outlet opened in Jakarta in 1991. Modernization has seen Indonesians take to Western fast food, including me. Fast food has almost become a necessary evil these days; necessary because you often find yourself in a situation when fast food is the only thing you can fill your stomach with. So, what is fast food ? Why is it become so popular in Indonesians?

Fast food is any food that quick, convenient,and usually inexpensive. Fast food is everywhere. You can buy fast food just about anywhere that sells fast food and snacks. Vending machines, drive-thru restaurant, and 24 hours convenience store are probably the most common places to find fast food. It’s so popular because for under $5.00 you can usually get it. How ever, fast food is inexpensive because it’s usually made with cheaper ingredients, such as high fat meat, refined grains, and added sugar and fats. There’s an issue that fast food can cause obesity with its amount of calories. Nowadays, fast food obesity is fast becoming a trend in all over the world, including Indonesia. What we have to do now is try to find the answer of the question “Is fast food the biggest cause of obesity problem? Well, i agree about that. The reasons are :
1. Fast food contains a lot of additives, such as sugar, salt and sodium, MSG, fats and oils, artificial additives
Many of these
food additives can have serious effects on long term health.
Natural News Research has shown that monosodium glutamate (MSG) causes weight gain and obesity in lab animals. A recent cross-sectional study in China supports the conclusion that what was seen in the animal studies also happens to people.
2. Some opinions from nutrisionist that i found in public health journals. We know that nutrisionists have a good command in nutrition and every thing that relate with food. First, an opinion from Evodia Iswandi, a nutrisionist and specialist in public health, who said if we eat fast food a lot, that’s not good for our health because of the fat content. Next opinion from Tuti Sunardi, a nutritionist and health food writer, she compared between fast food and traditional food. The result is fast food averages 40 percent fat, twice of traditional food. The last, opinion from Dr. Muhilal, member of the Regional Centre for Community Nutrition at University of Indonesia, he said that lifestyle diseases are becoming increasingly problematic for Indonesia. From survey that he has done, the result showed that eating habits in 10 large Indonesian cities two years ago make an indication of obesity. There was a tendency for obesity to be a little higher. Beside that, with modernization, women are also working. Therefore, families have more chance to eat outside.

3. We can see from the movie “supersize me” that for one month, Spurlock ate only McDonald's food and decreased his level of activity to that of the average American. His food choices had to come from the McDonald's menu but could vary as much as the menu would allow. He ordered the standard fare unless the cashier asked if he wanted Supersize. If asked, he answered “Supersize Me”and ate the large meal. By the end of the thirty-day experiment, Spurlock had gained 24 pounds, a strong statement about the connection between obesity and fast food. The weight gain was the least of his problems. Spurlock also developed depression and addiction to the unhealthy food. I think none of us is going to eat McDonald's food for every meal. An occasional "splurge" is fine, but incorporating fast food as a staple of our diets is obviously unhealthy. Of course, Spurlock's experiment is a gross exaggeration of what can happen to our bodies when fast food is eaten. Sure, fast food is everywhere, but do you have to eat it? And why not make better choices about fast food? Isn't something out there better than burgers and fries?

4. The Effects of Fast Food on Your Body
Fast food might seem like a great idea when you’re starving and on the run, the long-term consequences of consuming fast food can negatively affect your health. The amount of sugar, fat, sodium, and empty calories in fast foods can cause serious health problems in both adults and
children. It’s no secret that fried foods such as those you get in fast food restaurants are high in fat. Of particular concern are trans-fats, or partially hydrogenated oils. Companies like to use trans-fats in their food because they are cheap and have a longer shelf life than traditional fats; unfortunately, trans-fats are very very bad for you. The effects of trans-fat on the body are not good. They raise bad cholesterol (LDL) and lower good cholesterol (HDL). It caused the obesity problem. According to the American Heart Association, people that eat high concentrations of trans-fats increase their risk of developing heart disease, stroke, and type 2 diabetes. Beside that, here are Top Ten Dangerous Diseases Caused by Fast Food Obesity : Heart Disease, Diabetes type 2, Dyslipidemia, Polycystic ovary syndrome, Sleep Apnea, Arthritis, Blount’s Disease, Respiratory Problem, Liver Damage, and Stoke.

It is true that fast food is the biggest cause of obesity problem. Food experts believe that the mechanism and structure of the human body are not suited for high-energy concentration foods such as fast food. But, fast food become one of the most typical meals of everyone in Indonesia and all over the world. No wonder that more and more people are getting obese. To avoid this problem, eat less and exercise more. If you can not separate from fast food, just eat less of them. Add some physical exercise also to keep your weight under control. The most important thing is nutrition education needs to be given more attention to change their mind, although fast food is relatively cheap, serve fastly, and taste good, we have to aware of it because the correlation between fast food and obesity.

Selasa, 28 Juli 2009

Keep on Smiling, No Matter What !

“I would like to paint the way a bird sings.” ~Claude Monet

" A brother may not be a friend, but friend will always be a brother" - Benjamin Franklin

"Let Your Inner Smile Shine Through." -seli-

"If you act with kindness, you will become a kind person. If you smile, you will become a warm and loving person."
-Rebbetzin Esther Jungreis-

"Smile for Me and I will give you a reason to smile! Even if there is no reason to smile, smile anyway and God will give you a reason to smile."
-Rebbetzin Esther Jungreis-

"Smile. It’s okay to make other people happy, even when you are not feeling happy."
-Chana Rachel Shusterman-

"Ask your self : What i supposed to learn from this?" - seli-

"On a Bad day, see what goodness u can find" -seli-

"Before u go to sleep tonight...remember with gladness every good thing u've done. Go to sleep with a smile on your face and u will wake up happy." - G.Raseman-

Please feel free to add and share your own quotes in the comment section. Thanks! seli

Beda Pasrah dan Ikhlas

Apa itu pasrah? Kemudian kalau ikhlas? Apa beda pasrah dan ikhlas? Mana yang lebih baik pasrah atau ikhlas?

well..well..well...sepertinya pertanyaan di atas sering terlintas di kepala kita, entah disengaja atau tidak. Ternyata jika ditelaah, perbedaan antara pasrah dah ikhlas terletak pada waktu pelaksanaannya. Ikhlas adalah menyerah setelah berusaha sedangkan pasrah adalah menyerah sebelum berusaha (is it make sense? )
Ternyata mencoba untuk pasrah ataupun ikhlas tidak semudah yang diteorikan. Mengingat ikhlas memiliki nilai lebih positif (still trying to be a positive thingking person :D), so selanjutnya akan lebih banyak dibahas tentang yang namanya 'ikhlas'.
Ilmu ikhlas adalah ilmu yang paling sulit dikuasai di bumi ( i think so), kalau ilmu matematika ada rumus pastinya, tapi kalau ilmu ikhlas, ada pikiran dan hati yang bertarung untuk menghasilkan sebuah perasaan, i-k-h-l-a-s.
Dari sumber terpercaya, ada beberapa hal yang dapat kita lakukan untuk menerapkan ilmu 'ikhlas' , yaitu :

1. Bersyukur

Selalu mengucapkan syukur kepada Hyang Widhi baik di saat susah maupun senang.Kadang kita sering terbuai dengan kesenangan yang sudah kita raih dan lupa mengucap syukur pada-NYA, tapi jikalau kesedihan melanda jiwa dan raga, tak ada angin tak ada hujan ,mulut ini rasanya susah distop untuk mencari tahu mengapa begini dan mengapa begitu lalu ujung-ujungnya menyalahkan-NYA...fiuh...manusia macam apa kita ini? Belum ada kata terlambat untu mengucap syukur atas apa yang sudah kita lalui slama 1 hari ini...Mari mulai bersyukur ^_^

2. Merubah Pola Pikir

Sadarilah dari sekarang bahwa kita hidup di dunia hanya sebentar. Kita tidak akan pernah tahu apa yang terjadi esok. Manfaatkan waktu yang ada dengan sebaik-baiknya. Jangan sia-siakan kesempatan yang ada, karena kesempatan tidak datang dua kali. Buatlah orang-orang disekelilingmu bahagia. Jadikan diri kita bermanfaat bagi orang lain. Jalani semuanya dengan penuh suka cita, tanpa beban. Jalani prosesnya dengan maksimal, masalah hasil biarkan datang dengan sendirinya. Mari jalani hidup ini dengan penuh arti ^_^

3. Membesarkan Hati

Hibur diri dengan cara kita sendiri. Katakan untaian kata yang indah, pikirkan hal-hal yang menyenangkan dan membuat hati tenang, intinya yang bisa menambah semangat dan motivasi untuk diri kita.
Bisa juga dengan cara 'sharing'. Dari buku yang pernah saya baca, 'sharing is healing' jadi, ketika kita merasa 'full of burdens'ada baiknya belajar untuk membagi hal tersebut dengan seseorang yang bisa membuat kita nyaman, setidaknya beban di hati akan sedikit lebih berkurang dan tentunya akan timbul sedikit perasaan nyaman.

Selamat mencoba :)

* i'm proud of my self...
ilmu ikhlas ternyata membawa hasil yang memuaskan, hehe
benernya si pasrah, bukan ikhlas, tapi kombinasi keduanya aja kali yah :D
ga nyangka speaking test without preparation at all bisa berjalan lancar, even this is not a big deal 4 anyone, but 4 me it's kind of self progress that i realy wanna have..
THx God, Thx to someone 4 d' common uncommon support, Thx Chris 4 the mark, Thx to my mind, heart en soul..i did a gud job today..yippieeee...wish me luck 4 d final test ( i wish)..ilmu ikhlas here i come..hehehehe :D

My Sister's Keeper

Imagine that your daughter is dying. She has a rare form of leukemia for which no suitable donor is available. Imagine further that her doctor suggests the possibility that a sibling (one who is not yet born or even planned for), through a scientific process, could be “designed” to be a perfect genetic match. This is the basis for Jodi Picoult’s bestselling work of fiction, My Sister’s Keeper.

Jodi Picoult is the author of sixteen novels, including the #1 New York Times bestsellers Change of Heart and Nineteen Minutes. In 2003, she was awarded the New England Bookseller Award for fiction. She lives in New Hampshire with her husband and three children. Picoult's novel, My Sister's Keeper, has been made into a feature film starring Cameron Diaz, Alec Baldwin and Abigal Breslin. The film was released to theatres nationwide on June 26, 2009.

Most of the stories of My Sister’s Keeper took place in a small town and a city in the United States. They did not put the name of the small town and city in the book.

The main characters in the story are Anna Fitzgerald, Kate Fitzgerald, Jesse Fitzgerald, Sara Fitzgerald, Brian Fitzgerald, Campbell Alexander, and Julia Romano. Anna Fitzgerald was genetically engineered by IVF (In Vitro Fertilization) . She was born to provide a genetic match for her sister. She played hockey but was not able to focus on it due to her commitment to Kate. She loved her sister Kate, and Kate loved her, but the lawsuit was tearing the family apart. Kate Fitzgerald was the sister who had got a leukemia. She and Anna were each other's best friends. She did not like being in the hospital constantly. She just wanted to have a normal life. Jesse Fitzgerald wass Anna and Kate's older brother. Throughout the book we see him as a troubled pyromaniac teen who started a series of fires, took drugs and stole cars. He got close with Anna because they both felt neglected by their parents because of Kate. Sara Fitzgerald was the mother of Anna, Kate and Jesse. She believed that she loved all three of her children, but in fact she often neglected Anna and Jesse and appeared willing to sacrifice them both to save Kate. She was a former lawyer and when Anna started the lawsuit she decided to represent herself. Brian Fitzgerald is the father of Anna, Kate and Jesse. Brian was a firefighter. He did not look care but actually he was very thoughtful. Then, Campbell Alexander was Anna's lawyer. He had a service dog named Judge, but hided the dog's purpose until near the end of the book. Campbell got into a car accident and had a seizure afterwards. The doctors told him he would have seizures in the rest of his life. He left his girlfriend, Julia, so that she would not have to deal with his condition, although he still had feelings for her. The last main character was Julia Romano. She was Anna's guardian ad litem for the trial. She wass also Campbell’s old girlfriend and there was a subplot concerning their relationship.

“My Sister’s Keeper” is a novel about a young girl, Anna, 13 years old, who sued her parents for the right to make her own decisions about how her body is used when a kidney transplant was planned in order to save her sister’s life. When Kate was only two years old, she was diagnosed with a rare form of leukemia, known as APL (Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia). After finding this out, Kate's parents, Brian and Sara were very desperate in finding a way to cure their little girl. This is why Anna was born. Anna came into the world via in vitro fertilization, so that she would be a genetic match for her older sister Kate. When Anna was born, her cord blood was donated to her sister, but when the leukemia returned, then she had to donate blood and bone marrow. When Kate's kidneys failed, Anna was expected to donate one of her own, but she hired a lawyer to be medically emancipated from her parents and gained the right to make the decision for herself. Her lawyer, Campbell Alexander, worked for her . If she won the lawsuit, she would not have to donate. Her parents, Brian and Sara Fitzgerald, had different reactions to the suit. Brian had mixed feelings while Sara felt that Anna should donate the kidney. Sara was a lawyer turned housewife. Sara attempted to get Anna to drop the suit, but Anna refused and moved out of the house to the fire station where her father worked. After Kate's cancer diagnosis, Jesse grew up to be a troublemaker involved in alcohol, drugs, theft, and arson. One day, there was an arsonist setting fires in the area that Brian and his fellow firefighters did their work. The arsonist was revealed to be Jesse, and Brian found out the truth after finding clues. Brian confronted Jesse and learnt how badly Kate's illness had hurt him. Brian vowed to keep Jesse's arson a secret. Jesse eventually straightened himself out and became a police officer.

In another chapter, Judge DeSalvo, was a parent who lost his child in a drunk-driving accident. The guardian ad litem assigned to Anna as her representative was Julia Romano, an old girlfriend of Campbell's. Julia and Campbell met in a private high school. She was a scholarship student from a poor background while he was a rich kid. They fell in love and enjoyed a relationship until Campbell broke up with her at graduation. Julia never knew the reason but felt it was because of her social class. They met again because of Anna's case. Although they tried to be professional in this situation, their attraction to each other was obvious. Campbell had a guide dog named Judge, even though Campbell did not have disabilities. He kept the purpose of the dog a secret. Julia and Campbell spent the night together and Campbell left Julia. Feeling abandoned again, Julia was frustrated about her relationship with Campbell when he had a seizure during Anna's testimony. The purpose of the dog was to be a seizure dog. She discovered Campbell had got an epilepsy after a wreck before graduation, and he broke up with her because he did not want to be a burden. She gave him supports , and they reunited. They eventually married.

Campbell and Sara brought their witnesses and battled over. Anna was mature enough for medical emancipation. Julia, who was supposed to deliver a report about who she thought should win, was undecided. Anna, who had refused to testify, was the last witness to speak. Kate did not want Anna to go through with the transplant. She was tired of being sick, that was why Anna started the lawsuit. The judge decided for Anna and gave Campbell medical power of attorney over her. Anna and Campbell got an accident (car crash) after leaving the courthouse, and Brian was one of the rescue workers called to the scene. Despite their best efforts to save Anna, she suffered a closed-head injury and the doctor said that her brain was dead, so her parents took her life support off. Not knowing about the case, the doctor suggested organ donation. As Campbell Alexander had power of attorney for Anna, he agreed to the donation. Campbell said her kidney should go to Kate. Kate got the kidney and made a recovery, living a normal life as a dance teacher and be grateful for her sister's gift.

What makes the story interesting is that it is written from the characters point of views : the father, mother, Jesse, Anna, Anna's lawyer and Anna's guardian at litem who happened to be the lawyer's ex-girlfriend. Each chapter printed in different font, the paragraphs are grouped to several sections, and flashbacks are used heavily.

I like this book because as you read this book, you realize that Jodi Picoult does not want this book just to be another story about a hard topic. She wants you to feel like you are a part of the Fitzgerald family watching their lives unfold in front of you, and she does a beautiful job at that. You follow each character through the book, hearing their life story through them. You will laugh and cry by the Fitzgerald family. My Sister’s Keeper examines what it means to be a good parent, a good sister, and a good person. When you reach the end of the book after following Anna through her journey, you realize that there are no easy or even right answers. There is not one person who can be judged for what they think is moral or ethical. Sometimes you do not know what the right thing is but as a mother, as a doctor and even as a sibling, you do what you think is right for you and for everyone else. This book is a must read. It reminds us that being human means living every day to its fullest. Once again, Jodi Picoult makes a controversial real life subject with grace, wisdom, and sensitivity.